What is Low-Level Laser Therapy “LLLT”?

Low-Level Laser Therapy is the application of high intensity, red or infra-red light into the area of tissue. This very intense (but not hot), “monochromatic” (one wavelength), coherent light (all the photons are in phase and synchronized) is applied with a very specific dose in mind. It is painless, non-toxic, non-invasive, without drugs, and very safe if applied by a trained practitioner. LLLT also reduces healing duration by 30-40% and the injured tissues are stronger than if they had not been exposed to LLLT.
Specifically, LLLT is the application of red and infra-red light over injuries or lesions to improve wound / soft tissue healing, decrease inflammation and give relief for both acute and chronic pain.
Laser Therapy is used to:
- Increase speed & strength of tissue repair •Provide significant pain relief
- Decrease overall inflammation
- Increase local circulation
- How does LLLT work?
Like photosynthesis – the correct wavelengths and power of light at certain intensities for an appropriate period can increase ATP production and cell membrane perturbation that leads to increased cellular energy, permeability changes, and second messenger activity resulting in functional changes such as increased synthesis, increased secretion and motility changes. These profound metabolic effects significantly help facilitate the human body’s innate healing capacity.
Clinical effects of LLLT
An appropriate dose of light can improve the speed and quality of acute and chronic superficial wound healing, soft tissue healing, pain relief, improved immune system, and nerve regeneration. Other applications with good clinical evidence include Venous Ulcers, Diabetic Ulcers, Osteoarthritis, tendonitis, Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN, shingles), postoperative pain, polycystic ovaries & fibroids to name a few.
Low-Level Laser Therapy for Sports Injuries
Sports injury rehabilitation is all about getting back in the game quickly and with optimal health. A relatively new tool for the treatment of sports injuries is finding global success, and it is doing so in a fast, efficient way. Dr. Oz has called it the “no-pill pain buster.”
Trauma from sports injuries causes damage to the cells that make up soft tissues. These damaged cells release chemicals that provoke a natural inflammatory response in the body, which results in redness, swelling, warmth, and pain in the injured area. Persistent or recurrent inflammation can predispose athletes to early-onset arthritis or degenerative changes in their joints. This condition can affect the weekend warrior to the elite athlete. The application of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) reduces short-term inflammation. Additionally, laser therapy significantly lowers the risk of arthritis frequently resulting from sports injuries. Laser therapy is used by professional sports teams and athletes to treat inflammation, provide deep-tissue therapy, and accelerate pain relief to help athletes minimize downtime. For the past decade, LLLT has revolutionized treatment in the professional sports world including NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, and USA Cycling athletes, as well as Ironman triathlon competitors, competitive runners, college athletes, former Olympic athletes, and elite cross-fitters.
Mechanism of Action
LLLT works to photobiostimulate chemically damaged cells via specific wavelengths of light in a coherent manner. Coherence means that light photons propagate in the same direction, amplitude, and phase. This is important to maximize the depth of penetration to trigger a biological response. The cell membrane within the skin absorbs these photons via a photochemical effect, not photothermal; therefore, LLLT does not cause heat damage to the tissues. When cells are chemically damaged through injury, they stimulate the pain cycle. LLLT excites kinetic energy within the cells by transmitting these healing stimuli that are photons. Once photons reach the cells of the body, they promote a cascade of cellular activities. LLLT can ignite the production of enzymes, stimulate mitochondria, increase vasodilation and lymphatic drainage, ATP synthesis, and elevate collagen formation substances to prevent scar tissue. This is a critical step in reducing chronic, disabling myofascial pain syndromes. Simply stated, LLLT enables athletes to get out of pain faster and heal at the same time.
Literature Support
It was found the laser to be a superior tool for the rehabilitation of athletes. LLLT is a scientifically proven and effective treatment for a wide range of sports injuries, including acute and chronic pain; neck and back pain; bursitis; jumper’s knee; tennis elbow; Achilles tendonitis; chronic joint pain of the elbow, wrist, and fingers; plantar fasciitis; and shoulder injuries. As supported by the literature in the field.
- Low-levellasertherapyisaneffectivetreatmentforsportsinjuries, particularly jumper’s knee, tennis elbow, and Achilles tendonitis.
- Low-levellasertherapyhasbeenrecommendedasatreatmentoption for tennis elbow.
- Low-levellasertherapyreducespainaftertreatmentinacuteneck pain and up to 22 weeks after completion of treatment.
- Low-levellasertherapyhaspositiveeffectsonexercise-induced skeletal muscle fatigue and changes in biochemical markers related to
post-exercise recovery.
- A double-blind, randomized,controlledtrialshowedthatLLLTandexercise therapy is more effective than exercise therapy alone to improve pain and active/passive ROM in patients with the subacromial syndrome.
- LLLT has been shown to beeffectivefortreatingchronicneckand shoulder pain, as well as chronic heel pain from plantar fasciitis. The ease of using the laser and the speed with which the athletes respond are key features of LLLT. Most laser treatment sessions last from just three to five minutes. Its versatility is unmatched because it can be a stand-alone treatment or used in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments, soft-tissue release, instrument-assisted treatments, elastic therapeutic tape, or any rehab-oriented protocol.Star Trek technology ın real lıfe
PUBLICATIONS: 2009 – “Low-Level Laser Therapy in the treatment of periodontal disease” – Laser in Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry Encyclopedia, Zurich, Switzerland 2008 – Laser in the treatment of periapical infection, D.Vieru, Anca Dumitriu, abstract for European Medical Laser Association Conference in Helsinki, Finland 2008 – The osteoporotic patient, phototherapy (left) and periodontal disease, Laser in Surgery and Medicine, the official journal of sales, Dr. Dana Vieru*, Dr. Lewis Clayman, Chief luck. Dr. Anca Dumitriu 2007
– “Low-Level Laser Therapy in the Treatment of Periodontal Disease”, Dr. Dana Vieru*, Dr. Martha Cortez, Dr. Lewis Clayman, Chief luck. Dr. Anca Dumitriu, Laser Therapy Journal, Japan, vol.16 No. 4: 199 – 206. 2006 – “Immediate effects of Phototherapy in gingivitis and periodontitis,” Dr. Rozana Dana Vieru*, Dr. Stana Paunica, Chief luck. Dr. Anca Dumitriu, Prof.Dr. Horia Traian, Laser Therapy Journal, Japan, vol.15 No. 2, S-6-3 page 82. 2005 – “Periodontal affections in leukemia,” Dr. Rozana Dana Vieru*, Dr. Stana Paunica,
Chief luck. Dr. Anca Dumitriu, Prof.Dr. Horia Traian, “Journal for Dentistry Medicine, Timisoara, www.tmj.ro 2005 – “Terapia laser si efectele immediate in gingivite si parodontite,” Dr. Rozana Dana Vieru*, Dr. Stana Paunica, Sef lucr. Dr. Anca Dumitriu, Prof.Dr. Horia Traian, Journal for Dentistry Medicine, Timisoara, www.tmj.ro 2004 – “Laser Therapy using Diode Laser infrared 808 and infrared 606”, Rozalia Dana Vieru, SPIE Proceedings vol. 46, pg13, Constanta, Romania, 2003 – “Statistic evidence of the laser therapy benefits”, Rozalia Dana Vieru, SPIE Proceedings International Conference for Biophysics–
“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmaceutics, vol 1963 pg 34- Predeal, Romania. 2002 – Using laser irradiation for the surgical treatment of periodontal disease. Vieru, Rozana D.; Lefter, Agafita; Herman, Sonia Laser Florence 2001: A Window on the Laser Medicine World. Edited by Longo, Leonardo; Hofstetter, Alfons G.; Pascu, Mihail-Lucian; Waidelich, Wilhelm R. A. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 4903, pp. 119-126 (2002). 2002 – Rozalia Dana Vieru, Agafita Lefter, “Low-Level Laser Therapy used in Aesthetic Medicine”, Proceedings SPIE, vol. 806, pg.76 FORTH-IESRL – International Conference (abstract), Crete, Greece. 2002 – “Using laser irradiation for the surgical treatment of periodontal disease” – Rozana D. Vieru, Agafita Lefter, Sonia Herman, Proc. SPIE Vol. 4903, p. 119-126, Laser Florence 2001: A Window on the Laser Medicine World; Leonardo Longo, Alfons G. Hofstetter, Mihail-Lucian Pascu, Wilhelm R. Waidelich; Eds. 2001 – “Laser Therapy Used in Dentistry “, Laser Florence International Conference Florence, Italy. 2000 – “Laser applications in dentistry” – Rozalia Dana Vieru, Agafita Lefter, Sonia Herman,” Medical University Targu Mures, Vol. 4, Pg.35. Peer-reviewed Journal Articles 2002 – “Using laser irradiation for the surgical treatment of periodontal
disease” – Rozana D. Vieru, Agafita Lefter, Sonia Herman, Proc. SPIE Vol. 4903, p. 119-126, Laser Florence 2001: 2002 – Rozalia Dana Vieru, Agafita Lefter, “Low-Level Laser Therapy used in Aesthetic Medicine”, Proceedings SPIE, vol. 806, pg.76 FORTH-IESRL – International Conference (abstract), Crete, Greece. Book Chapters and Monographs: 2009 – LASER in MEDICINE DENTISTRY AND SURGERY, ENCICLOPEDIA TRILOGY published in ZAGREB, chief editor: Prof. A. Simunovich, under the tutelage of European Medical Laser Association Chapter XXXVIII – Low-Level Laser Therapy in the treatment of periodontal disease – Laser in medicine, surgery, and dentistry Invited Presentations: 09.2010 – Title: Periodontology and Laser, Inviting Organization: World Asociation for Laser Therapy – Bergen, Norway 09.2010 – Title: Bone Growth and Laser, Inviting Organization: European Medical Laser Asociation, Helsinki, Finland 08.2009 – Laser in Dentistry, I 07.2006 – Title: “Immediate effects of Phototherapy in gingivitis and periodontitis” – Inviting Organization: International Phototherapy Association, Sun City, Japan. 10. 2004 – Title:
“Laser therapy in clinical cases of marginal periodontitis”, Inviting
Organization: WALT International Conference, Guaruja, Brazil,
December Chair: 08.2009 – Dental Section: International Phototherapy Association, Japan, Suwa City, 12.2005 – Dental Section: World Association for Laser Therapy: International Conference, Guaruja, Brazil, Other
Presentations: 2010 – Periodontology and LLLT Speaker at International Academy for Laser in Medicine and Surgery – Florence Italy 2009 – Speaker for Educational Exchange Competition: “Laser in Periodontal Disease”, American Dental Association, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, USA, 2008 – Speaker at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Conference,
Phototherapy used in the Treatment of Periodontal Disease, Orlando Florida, USA 2007 – Presentation for Laser Whitening Systems, Orlando, Florida Aesthetic conference. 2006 – “Immediate effects of Phototherapy in gingivitis and periodontitis” – Author: Dr. Rozana Dana Vieru*, Dr. Stana Paunica, Chief luck. Dr. Anca Dumitriu, Prof.Dr. Horia Traian 2005 – “Laser therapy and the
immediate effects in aesthetic medicine”. Authors: Dr. Rozana Dana Vieru*, Dr. Stana Paunica, assistant professor. Dr. Anca Dumitriu, Prof.Dr. Horia Traian, Journal for Dentistry Medicine, Timisoara; www.tmj.ro 2004 – “Laser therapy used in Periodontal Disease”, International Laser Conference, Florence, Italy, 28 – 30 October 2003 – “Statistic Evidence of Laser therapy Effects”, Laser Florence International Congress, Florence Italy, 29 October 2003 – “Laser therapy used in the surgery and medicine”, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery European congress, Edinborough, Scotland, 19 September 2003, 2003 – “Statistic Evidence of the Laser Therapy Benefits In the cure of Periodontal Disease”, Biophysics Autumn School for Lasers and International Conference for Biophysics, Predeal, Romania, 15 of October 2003
– “Laser therapy used to periodontal Disease, Statistical Evidence”, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery – International Conference, Anaheim, USA, 16 April 2002 – “Low-Level Laser Therapy used in Periodontology”- FORTH-IESRL – International Conference – for Laser and Biophysics, Crete, Greece, 20 October 2002, 2002 – “Laser therapy used in the treatment of cystic Granuloma “ – Laser Florence International Conference, Florence, Italy, 7 November 2001 – “Lasers used at patients with diabetes, toxicity, calcium metabolism deficiency, laser treatment and statistic”, Summer School for
Biophysics for Ph.D. Advanced Studies – Lund Medical University and
Copenhagen Medical University, Hven, Sweden, 12 of June 2000 – “Laser used in Dentistry”- Summer School for Biophysics, Targul Mures University International Conference for Lasers and Biophysics Sovata, Romania, September Abstracts: 09.2010 –Periodontology and Laser, World Asociation for Laser Therapy – Bergen, Norway 09.2010 – Bone Growth and Laser, European Medical Laser Asociation, Helsinki, Finland 2009 – Chapter XXXVIII Low-Level Laser Therapy in the treatment of periodontal disease – Laser in medicine, surgery, and dentistry 2008 – Laser in the treatment of periapical infection, D.Vieru, Anca Dumitriu, abstract for European Medical Laser Association Conference in Helsinki, Finland 2008 The osteoporotic patient, phototherapy (left) and periodontal disease, Laser in Surgery and Medicine, the official journal of sales, Dr. Dana Vieru*, Dr. Lewis Clayman, Chief luck. Dr. Anca Dumitriu 2007
– “Low-Level Laser Therapy in the treatment of periodontal disease”, Dr. Dana Vieru*, Dr. Martha Cortez, Dr. Lewis Clayman, Chief luck. Dr. Anca Dumitriu, Laser Therapy Journal, Japan, vol.16 No. 4: 199 – 206. 2006 – “Immediate effects of Phototherapy in gingivitis and periodontitis,” Dr. Rozana Dana Vieru*, Dr. Stana Paunica, Chief luck. Dr. Anca Dumitriu, Prof.Dr. Horia Traian, Laser Therapy Journal, Japan, vol.15 No. 2, S-6-3 page 82. 2005 – “Periodontal affections in leukemia,” Dr. Rozana Dana Vieru*, Dr. Stana Paunica,
Chief lucr. Dr. Anca Dumitriu, Prof.Dr. Horia Traian, “Journal for Dentistry Medicine, Timisoara, www.tmj.ro 2005 – “Terapia laser si efectele immediate in gingivite si parodontite,” Dr. Rozana Dana Vieru*, Dr. Stana Paunica, Sef lucr. Dr. Anca Dumitriu, Prof.Dr. Horia Traian, Journal for Dentistry Medicine, Timisoara, www.tmj.ro 12. 2004 – “Laser therapy in clinical cases of marginal periodontities”, WALT International Conference, Guaruja, Brazil,
December 2004 – “Laser Therapy using Diode Laser infrared 808 and infrared 606”, Rozalia Dana Vieru, SPIE Proceedings vol. 46, pg13, Constanta,
Romania, 2003 – “Statistic evidence of the laser therapy benefits”, Rozalia Dana Vieru, SPIE Proceedings International Conference for Biophysics–“Carol
Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmaceutics, vol 1963 pg 34-Predeal, Romania. 2002 – Rozalia Dana Vieru, Agafita Lefter, “Low-Level Laser Therapy used in Aesthetic Medicine”, Proceedings SPIE, v p style= /p/strongspan style=span style=span style=”, Biophysics Autumn School for Lasers and International Conference for Biophysics, Predeal, Romania, 15 of October br / ol. 806, pg.76 FORTH-IESRL – International Conference (abstract), Crete, Greece. 2002 – “Using laser irradiation for the surgical treatment of periodontal disease” – Rozana D. Vieru, Agafita Lefter, Sonia Herman, Proc. SPIE Vol. 4903, p. 119-126, Laser Florence 2001: A Window on the Laser
Medicine World; Leonardo Longo, Alfons G. Hofstetter, Mihail-Lucian Pascu, Wilhelm R. Waidelich; Eds. 2001 – “Laser Therapy Used in Dentistry “, Laser Florence International Conference Florence, Italy. 2000 – “Laser applications in dentistry” – Rozalia Dana Vieru, Agafita Lefter, Sonia Herman,” Medical University Targu Mures, Vol. 4, Pg.35. SERVICE ACTIVITIES: Dates Title: Dental Placement Advisor Institution: New York School for Medical and Dental Assisting 05.5.07-12.1.07 Location: Long Island City, New York, USA Community Service: Dates Activity 2004 – 2005 – Social Assistance Volunteer – dental therapy for families in need, Bucharest, 2002 – 2004 – Volunteer Dental Care for orphanage children, Bucharest, 1994 – 1997 – Volunteer – “Pinocchio” Children’s Home, medical and dental care for children, Bucharest, 1994 – 1997 – Dental Care for homeless children, CDG, Bucharest, Romania 1997 – Dental care for children with HIV infection, Casa Doru, Victor Babes Hospital – EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES: Courses Taught: Dates Course Name GEN DENT SIMULATION II COMPLEX RESTORATIONS I 04-2010- Level of Students
D2 Lecture hours 20 Course Coordinator: Dr. Lisa R Antonoff Dates Course Name ADV PLACEMENT INTRO COURSE summer Level of Students: Advance Standing Lecture hours 20 Course Coordinator Prof. Kaim Dates Course Name Dental Anatomy 2014_Bucklan_GEN DENT SIMUL I-CLIN FOUND, DENTAL ANATOMY & BIOMATERIALS 04 – 2010 Level of Students D1 Lecture hours
20 Course Coordinator Dr. Barnett Bucklan Dates Course Name: GENERAL DENTISTRY SIM II COMPLEX RESTORATIONS II04 – 2010 Level of Students
D2 Lecture hours 20 Course Coordinator Prof. B Khaknegar-Moghadam Dates Course Name GEN DENT SIMULATION II COMPLEX RESTORATIONS I 04 – 2010 Level of Students D2 Lecture hours 20 Course Coordinator: Dr. Lisa R
Antonoff Educational Materials Developed: 2007 – Review for the Dental Assistants Video and ADA curriculum Dental Assisting for Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2006 – International Editorial Board of International Journal of Phototherapy and Photo-bio-modulation. 2008 – Review Board for Photomedicine and Laser Surgery Magazine, USA, NALT 2006 – present – Editor – Dental Section of Laser Therapy Journal, Tokyo, Japan. 2008 – LWW’s Comprehensive Dental Assisting: Chapters 4-7 DANB Questions Dental Assisting Exam Review Book 2008 – Dental Assisting Manuscript Reviewers Question Dental Assisting Textbooks jLWW Dental Assisting Review Board Members Dental Assisting/Dental Office Program Dana Vieru York Cl. As. Prof. Dana York, DDS, MS, PhD